Wylie, Joanne

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Un cuento de peces, mas o menos

While explaining the number of fish caught, a child introduces the numbers from one to ten.

Un cuento gracioso de peces

Depicts a dogfish, catfish, rabbitfish, turkeyfish, and other funny fish.

Sabes d?nde est? tu monstruo esta noche?

Monsters know good places to hide and the reader must find the monster in each picture as the various clocks show the hours from one to twelve.

Un cuento de peces y sus formas

While describing a fishing adventure, a child introduces fish of various shapes: square, round, triangle, crescent, and rectangle.

Un cuento de un pez grande

The narrator describes the fish he caught in words that keep increasing its size.

Un cuento curioso de colores

A child introduces the colors while answering questions about a beautiful fish.

A funny fish story

Depicts a dogfish, catfish, rabbitfish, turkeyfish, and other funny fish.

A big fish story

The narrator describes the fish he caught in words that keep increasing its size.

Cuantos monstruos?

Introduces the numbers one through ten as the reader is asked to count the similar monsters and other objects on each page.

Little monster

little monster changes size right before your very eyes
Depicts a little monster in varying sizes such as little, big, tall, narrow, and fat.


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