Describes the experiences of eleven women who study animal behavior: Belle Benchley, Ruth Harkness, Jane Goodall, Kay McKeever, Hope Buyukmihci, Karen Pryor, Eugenie Clark, Dian Fossey, Birut?e Galdikas, Leone Pippard, and Heather Malcolm.
This book tells the true story of Konrad Lorenz, whose love for animals as a child led to his winning the Nobel Prize for his groundbreaking research of the behavior of geese.
the life of Niko Tinbergen and his science of animal behaviour
Kruuk, H
Chronicles the life of Nobel Prize winner Niko Tinbergen, focusing on his creation of the biological study of animal behavior, discussing his creation of behvior-testing experiments, his schooling, field work, research, writings, and other related topics.