
Topical Term


An introduction to cows, covering different kinds and how they are used by people.
Cover image of Cows

When Cows Come Home

The cows are coming home, they are dancing , singing fiddling and swimming.
Cover image of When Cows Come Home

Minnie and Moo and the potato from Planet X

Minnie and Moo come to the aid of a visitor from outer space.
Cover image of Minnie and Moo and the potato from Planet X

Cassie loves Beethoven

Relates the startling effects of Beethoven's music on the Kennedys' new cow.
Cover image of Cassie loves Beethoven

Minnie and Moo

the attack of the Easter bunnies
Cow friends Minnie and Moo enlist the other farm animals to dress up as Easter bunnies to surprise the farmer's grandchildren.
Cover image of Minnie and Moo

The smallest cow in the world

Though Rosie is the meanest cow in the herd, five-year-old Marvin is inconsolable when she is sold and he and his family move to another dairy farm.
Cover image of The smallest cow in the world

Moo who?

After being hit on the head, Hilda the singing cow forgets what sound she should make, so she imitates different animals until she gets her "moo" back.
Cover image of Moo who?

Kiss the cow!

Annalisa, the most curious and stubborn of Mama May's children, disobeys her mother and upsets the family cow by refusing to kiss the animal in return for the milk it gives.

Cows on the farm

Provides information about the physical characteristics of cows describes their lives on farms, and discusses how they are used by humans.

The cow loves cookies

While all the other animals on the farm enjoy eating their regular food, the cow chooses to eat the one thing that she loves best.


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