wounds and injuries

Topical Term
wounds and injuries

Anybody's sports medicine book

the complete guide to quick recovery from injuries
A guide to preventing, understanding, and treating sports-related injuries that provides clear explanations of how each part of the body works and what symptoms are present when that area is injured.

The history of medicine

Examines the history of medicine throughout the ages, even those that existed before recorded history, to explain the phenomena of life, illness, and death.


my life as an emergency surgeon
The author describes his journey from a new surgeon, to a trauma surgeon with the U.S. Special Operations Command, and relates his most notable experiences in the operating room.

Burns and blisters

Describes several types of burns, including sunburn; explains how to treat a burn; and what happens to one's skin when it is burned. Also includes a glossary and an annotated list of related Web sites.

The adventures of Medical Man

kids' illnesses and injuries explained
Presents information about six common illnesses and injuries through short stories and comic-style illustrations featuring Dr. Daring and other superheroes and adventurers.

Before you know kindness

a novel
Animal rights' activist Spencer McCullough is shot with a hunting rifle by his twelve-year-old daughter, Charlotte and as the family tries to come to terms with what happened, Spencer's employers file a lawsuit against the owner of the weapon.

King Kenrick's splinter

King Kenrick tries to ignore the painful splinter in his toe, but he finally agrees to have it tended to so he can lead the Hero's Parade.

Sports injuries information for teens

health tips about acute, traumatic, and chronic injuries in adolescent athletes including facts about sprains, fractures, and overuse injuries, treatment, rehabilitation, sport-specific safety guidelines, fitness suggestions, and more
"Provides basic consumer health information for teens about sports-related injury prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation. Includes index and resource information"--.

Little Tree

a story for children with serious medical problems
Although she is saddened that storm damage has caused her to lose some of her branches, Little Tree draws strength and happiness from the knowledge that she still has a strong trunk, deep roots, and a beautiful heart.


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