Stories of the states

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Making of the Empire State

Drums at Saratoga

Nathaniel Phillips ran away from home so that he could join the British army in the Revolutionary War, but when he is taken prisoner by the American army, he learns what the war is really about.
Cover image of Drums at Saratoga

Voyage of the Half Moon

A fictionalized account of Henry Hudson's third attempt to find the Northwest Passage, sailing up what will come to be known as the Hudson River, accompanied by his twelve-year-old son.
Cover image of Voyage of the Half Moon

Golden quest

As they mingle with the gold miners in their parents' dining hall, eleven-year-old David and his younger sister are caught up in the debate about California statehood and slavery.

Making of the Empire State

Mr. Peale's bones

An eleven-year-old boy living in New York State joins the expedition of nineteenth-century artist and scientist Charles Willson Peale to dig for mammoth bones on a nearby farm.

American dreams

Developments in World War II force Amy Mochida and her family to move from Hollywood to an internment camp with other Japanese Americans, changing Amy's friendship with eleven-year-old Jeannie.

Golden quest

As they mingle with the gold miners in their parents' dining hall, eleven-year-old David and his younger sister are caught up in the debate about California statehood and slavery.

A message for General Washington

Twelve-year-old Hannah accepts the challenge of sneaking behind enemy lines to deliver a message to General Washington which will result in the British surrender at Yorktown.

American dreams

Developments in World War II force Amy Mochida and her family to move from Hollywood to an internment camp with other Japanese Americans, changing Amy's friendship with eleven-year-old Jeannie.
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