adaptation (biology)

Topical Term
adaptation (biology)

Amazing animal super-sleuths

Describes the different types of sense animals use fr find prey or stay safe from predators.

South America

"South America is located southeast of North America. The landscapes of South America range from mountains to rivers and deserts. Learn more about this exciting environment in South America. This is an AV2 media enhanced book. A unique book code printed on page 2 unlocks multimedia content. This book comes alive with video, audio, weblinks, slide shows, activities, hands-on experiments, and much more" -- Provided by publisher.

North America

"North America extends from the Arctic regions of Canada and Greenland to the deserts of Mexico and countries of Central America. The landscape of North America ranges from grasslands to deserts. Learn more about this exciting environment in North America. This is an AV2 media enhanced book. A unique book code printed on page 2 unlocks multimedia content. This book comes alive with video, audio, weblinks, slide shows, activities, hands-on experiments, and much more" -- Provided by publisher.


"Europe lies north of the equator and borders the Arctic and Atlantic Oceans. The landscape of Europe ranges from alpine mountains to lakes and valleys. Learn more about this exciting environment in Europe. This is an AV2 media enhanced book. A unique book code printed on page 2 unlocks multimedia content. This book comes alive with video, audio, weblinks, slide shows, activities, hands-on experiments, and much more" -- Provided by publisher.


"Land, oceans, and seas frame the Asian continent. The landscape of Asia ranges from deserts and tropical rain-forests to coral reefs and freshwater rivers. Learn more about this exciting environment in Asia. This is an AV2 media enhanced book. A unique book code printed on page 2 unlocks multimedia content. This book comes alive with video, audio, weblinks, slide shows, activities, hands-on experiments, and much more"-- Provided by publisher.


"Africa lies south of Europe, surrounded by the Atlantic, Indian, and Southern Oceans. The landscape of Africa ranges from rainforests to deserts. Learn more about this exciting environment in Africa. This is an AV2 media enhanced book. A unique book code printed on page 2 unlocks multimedia content. This book comes alive with video, audio, weblinks, slide shows, activities, hands-on experiments, and much more" -- Provided by publisher.

All about animals in winter

"Simple nonfiction text and full-color photographs present animals in winter"--Provided by the publisher.

Amazing animal shape-shifters

"Some animals, including frogs and dragonflies, change their body to live in different environments. Others, such as chameleons, change color to blend into the background to hide from predators. Still more change their shape dramatically to attract a mate--for example, the beautiful displays of birds of paradise"--Provided by the publisher.

Bears hibernate

Offers answers to questions about why bears hibernate.

Why do snails and other animals have shells?

"Find out all about shells and how they help snails to stay safe and survive. Discover how shells are different on different animals and the different jobs they do"--Provided by the publisher.


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