Concepts of price and quantity enter the picture when Mrs. Pig wins a five-minute shopping spree at the supermarket while shopping for a Halloween party.
Elephant, who is cautious and pessimistic, and Piggie, who is optimistic and sometimes reckless, go outside to play in the sun and hope that it does not rain.
Best friends, Fitch the Wolf and Chip the Pig have great plans to meet at the playground; however, Chip's three little sisters show up and threaten to foul up the works.
When Piglet's beloved father chases her away after she plays too rough, all of the barnyard animals try to make her feel better, but Piglet is still afraid that her father no longer loves her.
The reader joins Freddy Fafnaffer the pig as he deals with Mr. Frimdimpny, a crocodile who never laughs and who decides on the rules for reading this book.