Spyglass books

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Measure It!

Building with shapes

Presents a children's book on the different kinds of shapes that are used in various buildings such as cube-shaped structures like skyscrapers and Native American cave dwellings, domes, ovals like the Colosseum, cylinders, and pyramids.
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Foods from the farm

Describes different foods and products that come from farms, including dairy, grains, poultry, meat, and household items.

Let's get dressed

what people wear
A brief introduction to some of the types of clothing worn around the world, past and present.

Tricky insects

and other fun creatures
Provides directions for simple activities to learn more about various common insects, snails, and worms.

Numbers we know

Shows the importance of numbers in our daily lives, such as ages and addresses, arranged from the shortest, one digit, to the longest, a seven- or ten-digit telephone number.

The body's business

Introduces how the human body processes food into energy and how the various parts of the body work together to function as a whole. Includes bibliographical references and index.

Body language

Provides information about what body language reveals about how a person is feeling, looking at how people greet each other, listen, and convey happiness or anger, and includes a brief introduction to hand signs.

Move it!

Explains in simple terms how and why things move the way they do.

A sea of animals

Provides information about the ocean environment, and looks at the lives of some of the animals that live in the ocean.


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