grant, ulysses s.

grant, ulysses s.

Ulysses S. Grant

Contains key facts about the life of Ulysses S. Grant from his childhood to his retirement, focusing on his military and political careers and his term as the eighteenth president of the United States.
Cover image of Ulysses S. Grant

Grant takes command

A study of Ulysses S. Grant during the last year and a half of his Civil War command, providing an account of his activities after being made commander in chief of the Union armies.

Grant moves south

A study of Ulysses S. Grant in the early years of his Civil War command, focusing on his strategy for gaining control of the Mississippi River for the Union, with accounts of some of the war's great battles, and discussion of Grant's personal relationships and problems.

The American presidents

Civil War and reconstruction ; development of the industrial U.S.
A fresh and relevant narrative about the men who led this country through change and the lives they affected, from an early idea of democracy to our first African-American President.

Ulysses S. Grant

Biography of Grant, from his birth in Ohio to his troubled tenure in office as President. Includes observations by noted historians.

Grant and Twain

the story of a friendship that changed America
Explores the relationship between Mark Twain and Ulysses S. Grant and the influence each had on the other to complete their respective literary works--Grant's memoirs and Twain's novel on Huckleberry Finn.

Grant wins the war

decision at Vicksburg
Argues that the Union victory at Vicksburg in 1863 was the turning point of the Civil War, and contends that the decisive actions of General Ulysses S. Grant in that theater are worthy of comparison to those of Napoleon.

The web of victory

Grant at Vicksburg
Chronicles the Union siege at Vicksburg, Mississippi, during the American Civil War, and details how General Ulysses S. Grant lead his troops to victory in a battle that became known as the turning point of the war.


the man who won the Civil War

The generals

Ulysses S. Grant and Robert E. Lee


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