Provides vocational guidance to those interested in retail trade careers such as sales, marketing, and distribution. Describes wages and salaries in these occupations and explains how to prepare r?esum?es and conduct interviews.
An examination of the business phenomenon of franchising and how it has transformed small business in the United States including how it works, marketing and advertising, profiles of many of the people who have become famous as franchisees, and much more.
Basic information on opportunities in retailing careers, discussing retail situations and jobs, career preparations, job searching tips, and careers of people in merchandising.
Discusses the causes and effects of shoplifting, describes methods that are used to guard against theft and to catch thieves, and explains why shoplifting affects the general public.
Defines the top twenty-one careers in retail, discussing the nature of the work, educational requirements, getting started, advancement possibilities, salary, employment outlook, and sources of more information.