Murrow, Liza Ketchum

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West against the wind

Fourteen-year-old Abby seeks both her father and the secret of a handsome but mysterious boy during an arduous journey by wagon train from the middle of the country to the Pacific coast in 1850.
Cover image of West against the wind

Twelve days in August

Twelve days in August change a sixteen-year-old soccer player's perceptions of himself, his family, girls, and gays.

Good-bye, Sammy

A child misses his lost toy rabbit even though his mother buys him a new rabbit.

Allergic to my family

a novel
Living with five brothers and sisters, a pet skunk, and two nutty parents, fourth grader Rosie sometimes feels that her family is too busy to appreciate her.

West against the wind

Fourteen-year-old Abby seeks both her father and the secret of a handsome but mysterious boy during an arduous journey by wagon train from the middle of the country to the Pacific coast in 1850.

Twelve days in August

Twelve days in August change a sixteen-year-old soccer player's perceptions of himself, his family, girls, and gays.

The ghost of Lost Island

While helping his grandfather herd and shear his flock of sheep on a small island off the coast of Maine, twelveyear-old Gabe encounters a mysterious woman who may be the ghost of a drowned milkmaid.
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