
Topical Term

Junie B. Jones collection

Presents four stories about spunky kindergartener Junie B. Jones, in which she struggles with "meanies" on the bus, gets in trouble for boasting, spies on her teacher, and misunderstands when her grandmother calls her baby brother a monkey.

All kinds of awesome

Encourages readers to find what they love to do and turn that passion into a future career.

When I'm big

On a rainy day, Mo and Joe pass the time by imagining all of the careers they might pursue when they grow up.

Professional careers sourcebook

where to find help planning careers that require college or technical degrees
Presents listings of sources of information for help in planning 126 professional and technical occupations that require college degrees or specialized education, including career guides, standards/certification agencies, periodicals, and other references.

Keeping the city going

"An ode to the essential workers keeping the country operating during the Covid-19 pandemic"--.

Heroes & helpers

careers book for kids
Describes forty-one occupations for people who want to help and make a difference, such as firefighters, nurses, counselors, scientists, and more.

Harvey Wang's New York

Photographs and descriptions of men and women in vanishing jobs and professions.

Medieval people

An account of the lives of six individuals who lived during the Middle Ages: a Frankish peasant; Marco Polo; Madame Eglentyne; a middle class Parisian housewife; and, two English merchants.

Ways to make money working with your hands

Being good with your hands will help you in any number of situations. The know-how and inclination to fix things, whether it's a leaky roof or a torn sweater, makes a handy person the one friends, relatives, and neighbors turn to when things go wrong. There is a plethora of ways that young people who are good with their hands can harness these skills to make money, both in the current moment and the long term. This book is full of creative job ideas and pragmatic tips, with a particular focus on ways readers can develop entrepreneurial streaks.

The ABCs of what I can be

Children dress up and imagine what they could be when they grow up--from astronaut or dentist to mathematician or Zumba instructor. Arrange in alphabetical order.


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