Attema, Martha

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The paper wagon

a folktale from Friesland
When her rooster is stolen away by the fox, the little hen builds a paper wagon and sets off to rescue him.

A time to choose

Fact-based story about sixteen-year-old Johannes van der Meer, a young man from the Netherlands whose homeland is suffering from Nazi occupation, who decides to join the Dutch resistance after his family is branded as traitors due to his father's collaboration with the Nazis.

A light in the dunes

When Rikst and friend find a dead body on the beach, the run to tell their friend Thomas, but when they return with the police, the body has disappeared and soon Rikst finds herself involved in a deadly mystery.

Daughter of light

In spite of the rigors of World War II on her Holland home, Ria is determined that her pregnant mother will give birth in a warm home filled with light, so she develops a bold and dangerous plan.


In the last cold winter of World War II, Izaak is sent from hiding in Amsterdam to live on a farm in the north of Holland.

The paper wagon

a folktale from Friesland
When Rooster is stolen, Hen decides to go the shed and build a paper wagon.

When the war is over

A young woman's work for the resistance in occupied Holland during World War II becomes dangerously complicated when she falls in love with a German soldier.
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