of arc, saint

of arc, saint

The life and times of Joan of Arc

Presents a brief, illustrated, biography of Joan of Arc, the fifteenth century hero of France who at age thirteen began hearing voices that encouraged her to save France from English invaders.

Personal recollections of Joan of Arc

Relates the story of the life of Joan of Arc, as seen through the eyes of the fictional narrator Sieur Louis de Conte, Joan's childhood friend and secretary.

Dove and sword

a novel of Joan of Arc
In 1455 in France, Gabrielle is visited by Pierre d'Arc, a brother of Joan of Arc, and with him reminisces about their childhood together in Domremy and Joan's subsequent trial and burning at the stake at Rouen twenty-four years before.

Joan of Arc

Chronicles the life of Joan of Arc, discussing her childhood, influence on the people of France, legacy, and more. Includes over one hundred photographs and images as well as definition boxes, sidebars, and a time line.

Joan of Arc

heroine of France
A discussion of the life and times of the French heroine, Joan of Arc, with illustrations from the medieval period.

Personal recollections of Joan of Arc

Relates the story of the life of Joan of Arc, as seen through the eyes of the fictional narrator Sieur Louis de Conte, Joan's childhood friend and secretary.

Joan of Arc

the warrior saint
Chronicles the life of Joan of Arc, discussing how she convinced theologians and the future King Charles VII that she had heard the voices of saints and should be trusted to lead the English troops to military victory.

Joan of Arc

the teenager who saved her nation
A look at the life, death, and continuing influence of Joan of Arc. Includes illustrations, a time line, a glossary, a bibliography, and an index.

Joan of Arc of Domr?my

While sitting on the riverbank in the ancient French city of Orl?ans, seventeen-year-old Eloise hears a voice which relates the adventures and struggles of the medieval heroine, Joan of Arc, as she fights to free France by driving out the English.

The virgin warrior

the life and death of Joan of Arc


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