Averill, Esther Holden

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Cartier sails the St. Lawrence

A retelling of Cartier's three expeditions to the New World and his discovery of the St. Lawrence River as recorded in his journals.

Cartier sails the St. Lawrence

A retelling of Cartier's three expeditions to the New World and his discovery of the St. Lawrence River as recorded in his journals.

Daniel Boone

The life of Daniel Boone for younger readers, dramatizing his adventures as a hunter and scout, his capture and adoption by the Cherokee Indians, and his escape from them to warn Boonesborough of the attack planned by the Indians.

Cartier sails the St. Lawrence

This is a retelling of "The Voyages of Jacques Cartier." The information is drawn largely from the logbooks which Cartier kept on his voyages. It is an exciting story of Cartier's three expeditions to the New World in search of the Northwest Passage.

The hotel cat

Relates the rise of Tom, the hotel cat, from catcher of mice in the cellar to successful upstairs cat in charge of the hotel's guest cats.

The fire cat

Cartier sails the St. Lawrence

A retelling of Cartier's three expeditions to the New World and his discovery of the St. Lawrence River as recorded in his journals.

Daniel Boone

The life of Daniel Boone for younger readers, dramatizing his adventures as a hunter and scout, his capture and adoption by the Cherokee Indians, and his escape from them to warn Boonesborough of the attack planned by the Indians.

Jenny's birthday book

On Jenny's birthday, her brothers and some of her cat friends take her to a birthday party in the park.

Captains of the city streets

a story of the Cat Club
Two tramp cats searching for a place of their own discover that members of the Cat Club but are not easily induced to join them.


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