A graphic novel adaptation of "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow," the story of Ichabod Crane, an irritating schoolteacher who falls prey to his own superstitious belief in a terrifying headless horseman.
A graphic novel adaptation of "The Creature from the Depths," in which one man's greed leads to tragedy for everyone involved in an attempt to find an underwater treasure.
In this graphic retelling of a story by Algernon Blackwood, a group of hunters in 1910 Canada encounter a mysterious and deadly creature called the Wendigo.
In this graphic retelling of a short story by Robert Louis Stevenson, a young medical student in nineteenth century Edinburgh accepts corpses for dissection that were stolen from fresh graves, until he recognizes the corpse as a friend who was murdered.
In this graphic version of the story by Ambrose Bierce, Joel Jr. arrives home to find that his mother has been strangled; what follows is told from the perspective of Joel Jr., his father, and his mother's ghost.
A graphic novel based on the Oscar Wilde classic, in which an incredibly handsome young man in Victorian England retains his youthful appearance over the years while his portrait reflects both his age and evil soul as he pursues a life of decadence and corruption.