Little Red Riding Hood embarks on a new adventure when she once again heads into the woods to bring a treat to her father. Presented in English and Spanish.
Retells the story of Goldilocks, a little girl who, lost in the woods, goes uninvited into the home of the three bears and rudely helps herself to their food and belongings. Presented in English and Vietnamese.
Little Red Riding Hood embarks on a new adventure when she once again heads into the woods to bring a treat to her father. Presented in English and Farsi.
Retells the story of Goldilocks, a little girl who, lost in the woods, goes uninvited into the home of the three bears and rudely helps herself to their food and belongings. Presented in English and Vietnamese.
Illustrations and text written in both English and Turkish that tells the classic fairy tale of Goldilocks and her visit to the house of the three bears.
Retells the story of Goldilocks, a little girl who, lost in the woods, goes uninvited into the home of the three bears and rudely helps herself to their food and belongings. Presented in English and Urdu.
Little Red Riding Hood embarks on a new adventure when she once again heads into the woods to bring a treat to her father. Presented in English and Somali.
Retells the story of Goldilocks, a little girl who, lost in the woods, goes uninvited into the home of the three bears and rudely helps herself to their food and belongings. Presented in English and Somali.
Some new adventures for Little Red Riding Hood in which she keeps track of how many cookies she is giving away as she travels to her grandmother's house. Presented in Hindi and English.