An Early nature picture book

Compare Series: 

The flower book

Introduces in simple text and illustrations the characteristics of a variety of flowers.

The fruit book

Text and illustrations introduce the characteristics of various fruits.

The fish book

introducing tropical fish
Introduces twelve fish, both fresh and saltwater, that are native to the tropics.

Meat-eating animals

Describes ten animals which are specially adapted for stalking, chasing, killing, and eating other animals, including the tiger, ocelot, polar bear, and raccoon.

Animal specialists

Presents ten animals that possess unusual skills or physical features: elephant, giant anteater, arctic tern, emerald tree boa, giraffe, two-toed sloth, walrus, spider monkey, beaver, and koala.

Horned animals

Describes the characteristics of several horned animals and explains the ways in which they use their headgear in courtship and battle.

The vegetable book

A brief introduction to the characteristics of a variety of vegetables.

The butterfly book

Text and illustrations introduce the characteristics of 10 familiar butterflies and the 4 stages in the life cycle of the butterfly.

The bird book

Describes the habits, songs, and appearance of twelve North American birds including the robin, chickadee, and blue jay.

The leaf book

A brief introduction to the characteristics of leaves from a variety of trees.
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