Busch, Phyllis S

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Once there was a tree

Photographs and text show the many different things, both plant and animal, that live in, on, or around a tree which may be alive and growing, dead but still standing, or a decaying log.

Lions in the grass

Examines in word and photograph how and where a dandelion grows.

Once there was a tree

Photographs and text show the many different things, both plant and animal, that live in, on, or around a tree which may be alive and growing, dead but still standing, or a decaying log.

Lions in the grass

Examines in word and photograph how and where a dandelion grows.

City lots

Describes the environment of a vacant city lot and the plants and animals that might be found there.

Once there was a tree

Photographs and text show the many different things, both plant and animal, that live in, on, or around a tree which may be alive and growing, dead but still standing, or a decaying log.

At home in its habitat

Photographs and simple text describe the interrelationship of living things and their environment.

Exploring as you walk in the city

Points out many elements in nature that the city dweller can observe and study.


Suggests a variety of outdoor and indoor activities for winter, focusing on science topics such as animal behavior, the formation of icicles, frost pictures, and the nature of heat.

Living things that poison, itch, and sting

Identifies poisonous plants and animals and describes symptoms they cause and medical attention that may be necessary.


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