Vevers, Gwynne

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Animals of the Arctic

Ants and termites

Discusses the ant's anatomy and nuptial flights, the worker ant, and the habits of different kinds of ants; and termites' swarming, boring, and gardens.

Ants and termites

Discusses the ant's anatomy and nuptial flights, the worker ant, and the habits of different kinds of ants; and termites' swarming, boring, and gardens.

Ants and termites

Discusses the ant's anatomy and nuptial flights, the worker ant, and the habits of different kinds of ants; and termites' swarming, boring, and gardens.

Animals of the Arctic

Ants and Termites.

Ants and termites

Discusses the ant's anatomy and nuptial flights, the worker ant, and the habits of different kinds of ants; and termites' swarming, boring, and gardens.

Elephants & mammoths

Describes the characteristics of the Asian and African elephants emphasizing at the same time the problems of their conservation.

Ants and termites

Discusses the ant's anatomy and nuptial flights, the worker ant, and the habits of different kinds of ants; and termites' swarming, boring, and gardens.

Ants and termites

Discusses the ant's anatomy and nuptial flights, the worker ant, and the habits of different kinds of ants; and termites' swarming, boring, and gardens.


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