A First-start easy reader

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Sticky Stanley

Let's get a pet

A boy and girl getting ready to pick out a pet talk about the many different kinds and their advantages before finally making their decision.

Little Danny Dinosaur

Smaller than the rest of his family, Danny tries hard to be big and strong--until one day his size proves to be just right.

Playground fun

Too big for most of the playground equipment, a young hippopotamus is not having any fun until his friends figure out a way to help him.

Here comes winter

When the weather turns cold, Billy the rabbit buys the materials to make a coat.

Hide-and-seek on the farm

As the barnyard animals play hide-and-seek, the reader can join in by helping locate the hiding animals.

Bubble gum in the sky

A rabbit with a fondness for bubble gum blows a gigantic bubble which carries him up into the sky.

Sticky Stanley

The Friendly Snowman

100 Valentines


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