Ford, Barbara

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The Creature in Crestwood Park

by Barbara Ford ; illus. by Dan Andreasen
Berrie likes to make-up stories. So, when she tells people that there is a coyote in the city park they don't believe her.

Why does a turtle live longer than a dog?

A report on animal longevity
Examines the variation in life-spans of both domestic and wild animals, ranging from one day to more than a century. Discusses ways of estimating age and theories on why life-spans vary and what causes aging.
Cover image of Why does a turtle live longer than a dog?

Paul Revere

American patriot
Describes the life of the silversmith who made the historic ride to announce the coming of British troops to Massachusetts at the beginning of the Revolutionary War.

How birds learn to sing

Discusses the song of different birds and the learning involved in their sound-making.

The most wonderful movie in the world

Moira, a seventh-grader in a predominantly Irish Catholic school, struggles with her conscience because of her desire to see a movie classed "B" by the Legion of Decency.

Why does a turtle live longer than a dog?

A report on animal longevity
Examines the variation in life-spans of both domestic and wild animals, ranging from one day to more than a century. Discusses ways of estimating age and theories on why life-spans vary and what causes aging.

Black bear

the spirit of the wilderness
Discusses the black bear, North America's smallest bear, the research being done on it, and our responsibility for ensuring its future.

Walt Disney

Follows the life and career of the man who fulfilled his creative dreams by founding a motion picture empire.

Animals that use tools

Discusses the ability of many different animals including crabs, vultures, otters, elephants, and chimpanzees to use tools and the ability of a fewer number of species to make tools.


the singing insects
Describes the physical characteristics and life cycle of various members of the katydid family.


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