American legends

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Legends and lore of Lake Ontario

"Historical folklore and legendary stories from the waters and the shores of Lake Ontario"--.

Vintage Case tractors

Profiles tractors made by the J.I. Case Company, and includes information on the company's history, the different designs and styles that were used, and other related topics.

Daniel Boone

This book describes the life and the legend of Daniel Boone, who explored the American frontier of the 1700s.

"Unsinkable" Molly Brown

Looks at the life of Mrs. Margaret Brown, discussing her childhood, youth, and marriage, and explaining how she got the nickname "unsinkable Molly Brown" after her experiences on the "Titanic.".

Sally Hemings

Chronicles the life of Sally Hemings, discussing her life as a slave, her connections to Thomas Jefferson, and the late-twentieth-century debate over her children's lineage.

Sojourner Truth

Examines the life of Sojourner Truth, discussing her early years as a slave, her marriage at a young age, her struggles to win her freedom, and her work as a traveling preacher and spokesperson for women's rights and civil rights.

Johnny Appleseed

Describes the life and the legend of the frontiersman who came to be known as Johnny Appleseed after planting orchards throughout the Northwest Territory.

Molly Pitcher

Describes the life of Revolutionary War heroine Molly Pitcher, separating fact from legend.

Annie Oakley

Examines the life of Annie Oakley, a woman who became famous in the late nineteenth century for her abilities as a sharpshooter, discussing her early years, her marriage, and her career as an entertainer.


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