On the job

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Art in action

have you got what it takes to be an animator?
Identifies the skills and education needed to be an animator, provides a look at the day-to-day activities of an animator, and includes information about the stages of animation, and great moments in animation history, as well as little-known facts about the field.

Going for the gold

Presents the achievements of six athletes who became Olympic champions through determination, courage, and hard work.

Wild about wildlife

have you got what it takes to be a zookeeper?
Identifies the skills and education needed to be a zookeeper, provides a look at the day-to-day activities of a zookeeper, and includes information about zoos, as well as little-known facts about the zookeeping profession.

Eyes for evidence

have you got what it takes to be a forensic scientist?
Identifies the skills and education needed to become a forensic scientist, provides a look at the day-to-day activities of one, and includes information about fingerprinting, DNA analysis, tool marking and impressions, and other related topics.

Hard hat area

have you got what it takes to be a contractor?
Identifies the skills and education needed to be a contractor, provides a look at the day-to-day activities of a contractor, and includes information about tools, materials, and building techniques, as well as little-known facts about the profession.

Behind every step

have you got what it takes to be a choreographer?
A brief description of the education and skills needed to become of choreographer, explaining the history of dance and dances performed around the world.

Police officers in our community

Simple text introduces children to the role police officers play in their communities, describing what they do, how they help people, and what tools they use on the job.

Firefighters in our community

Simple text introduces children to the role firefighters play in their communities, describing what they do, how they help people, and what tools they use on the job.

Teachers in our community

Simple text introduces children to the role teachers play in their communities, describing what they do, how they help people, and what tools they use on the job.

Doctors in our community

Simple text introduces children to the role doctors play in their communities, describing what they do, how they help people, and what tools they use on the job.


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