"When seventeen-year-old Trent Osceola moves to the Rez to live with his father, a member of Florida's Miccosukee Tribe, he faces new questions about his identity and reconnects with his childhood friend Pippa"--Provided by publisher.
In 1949 in the Florida Everglades, a ten-year-old girl called Bones, whose father is part Miccosukee Indian, tries to discover what really happened when he is accused of two murders and sent to jail.
When seventeen-year-old Trent Osceola moves to the Rez to live with his father, a member of Florida's Miccosukee Tribe, he faces new questions about his identity and reconnects with his childhood friend Pippa.
In 1949 in the Florida Everglades, a ten-year-old girl called Bones, whose father is part Miccosukee Indian, tries to discover what really happened when he is accused of two murders and sent to jail.