models and modelmaking

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models and modelmaking

How to build LEGO cars

Presents step-by-step instructions on how to build over thiry LEGO cars.

Build it!

make supercool models with your favorite LEGO parts
Presents plans for LEGO creations featuring the Christmas holiday intended for children ages 5 and up.

Brick cars and trucks

clever and creative ideas to make from classic Lego
Provides step-by-step illustrated instructions for creating forty models of a variety of vehicles using LEGO toys, many of which use fewer than one hundred bricks.

The LEGO games book

"Build in some time for fun! Who can stack the tallest tower in 60 seconds? Can anyone solve the puzzle cube? With more than 50 fun challenges, puzzles, brainteasers, and games, get out your LEGO? bricks and put your friends and family to the test."--.

Holidays at Hogwarts

This book for young LEGO Harry Potter fans invites them to explore the fantastical world of Hogwarts for a magical winter holiday.

The big book of amazing LEGO creations

with bricks you already have
"This book offers eight unique themes ranging from popular vehicles and practical projects, to imaginative fairytale fun and a thrilling spy mission. The author includes chapters for mini projects and LEGO art"--OCLC.


make supercool models with your favorite LEGO parts.Robots
From a robot family, robot racers, robot space explorers, rescue robots, and more, young Lego enthusiasts can create a variety of fun robots using the classic Lego sets and bricks they may already have at home. This visually rich book includes full color, step-by-step instructions.

La fabrique Lego

assemblez vos id?es
Six themed chapters offer inspiration for LEGO creations, with basic templates and instructions for creating new things out of LEGO bricks and sets.

Life hacks

Offers projects to build using Legos that are useful in everyday life, such as a bookmark, a phone stand, a shelf, and a safe. Also includes creative inventions that can make life easier and more fun, including a trash hoop and a grabber. Includes photographs, step-by-step instructions, interviews with the builders, and a brick gallery.

Geeky LEGO crafts

21 fun and quirky projects
"A LEGO construction book for adults featuring 21 different projects, including objects for the home and holiday decorations, as well as art and design ideas. Includes detailed step-by-step instructions"--Provided by publisher.


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