toy making

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toy making

The Gollywhopper Games

Twelve-year-old Gil Goodson competes against thousands of other children at extraordinary puzzles, stunts, and more in hopes of a fresh start for his family, which has been ostracized since his father was falsely accused of embezzling money from Golly Toy and Game Company.
Cover image of The Gollywhopper Games

How do toys work ?

Explores the design, construction, and how toys work.
Cover image of How do toys work ?

I can make toys

A step-by-step guide to using various materials and recyclables to create actual toys, such as sock puppets, marionettes, kaleidoscopes, and board games. Includes color patterns.
Cover image of I can make toys

Remixing toys

An introduction to taking old toys apart and building new toys with the parts.

Papertoy monsters

50 cool papertoys you can make yourself!
Contains instructions and punch-out paper pieces that can be folded and glued to make fifty toy monsters, and includes ten blank templates for designing original monsters.
Cover image of Papertoy monsters


Walking through his village, a young African boy finds the materials to make a special toy.

Chasma knights

Beryl lives in a world full of toys. But these aren't your ordinary toys--they're mechanical marvels that almost seem alive! And at the slightest touch, these toys catalyze; that is, they merge with their owner and give them special abilities. But not Beryl. She's a Neon Knight, and Neon Knights can't catalyze. Beryl does have a special ability that no one knows about--she's an inventor who can turn a broken toy into an amazing, new creation. When a powerful Oxygen Knight named Coro discovers Beryl's secret workshop, she wants in on the fun. But can a Neon Knight and an Oxygen Knight ever get along?.
Cover image of Chasma knights

The Gollywhopper Games

the new champion
Tired of living in his brother Spencer's shadow, twelve-year-old Cameron Schein considers taking an unfair advantage to win the second Golly Toy and Game Company's Gollywhopper Games, in which the brothers and other children compete by solving puzzles, answering riddles, and doing stunts.

Rubber band engineer

build slingshot-powered rockets, rubber band rifles, unconventional catapults, and more guerrilla gadgets from household hardware
Discover unexpected ways to turn common materials into crafty contraptions that range from surprisingly simple to curiously complex. In vivid color photos, you'll be guided to create slingshot rockets, unique catapults, and even hydraulic-powered machines. Whether you build one or all 19 of these designs, you'll feel like an ingenious engineer when you're through.

The toymaker's apprentice

Journeyman toymaker Stefan Drosselmeyer is recruited by his mysterious cousin, Christian, to find a mythical nut that will save Boldavia's princess and his own kidnapped father from a fanatical Mouse Queen and her seven-headed Mouse Prince, who have sworn to destroy the Drosselmeyer family.


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