senses and sensation in animals

Topical Term
senses and sensation in animals

Sensing like your dog

"An instructional guide to sensing like dogs, this title touches on how to understand the world from a dog's point of view and informs young dog owners what to expect from these . . . pets"--OCLC.
Cover image of Sensing like your dog

World's weirdest sharks

Chances are, when you think of sharks, it's the great white or hammerhead that swim into view! But the world's oceans hold around 500 different species of sharks, and some are extremely bizarre.

Top 10

Dive into the Wild Wicked Wonderful world of the animal kingdom with the Top 10: Partnerships. Written with a high interest level to appeal to a more mature audience and a lower level of complexity with clear visuals to help struggling readers along. Considerate text includes tons of fascinating information and wild facts that will hold the readers' interest, allowing for successful mastery and comprehension. A table of contents, glossary with simplified pronunciations, and index all enhance comprehension.
Cover image of Top 10

Nocturnal and diurnal animals explained

Learn about the animals who come out in the twilight hours between day and night.
Cover image of Nocturnal and diurnal animals explained

Shocking sea creatures

In this book you will meet amazing shocking sea creatures.

Remarkable reptiles

Reptiles have been crawling over the Earth for hundreds of millions of years, leading today to more than 6,500 species. Meet reptiles that run, swim, climb, and even fly. Incredible blue tongues, blood-shooting eyes, and poisoned-filled hinged, fangs are just a few of the features these amazing animals possess.

Incredible insects

Imagine being able to jump over your own house! How about a meal of blood or elephant droppings? Think what it would be like to walk around with your skeleton on the outside. Such is the life of insects. In this book, youll learn about the most numerous animals on the planet.

Gray wolf

"I'm a wolf and I live in North America. Read about my life in the wild, what I like to eat, and how I raise my young. Find out why I'm such a good hunter and how I work with the rest of the pack to catch our prey."--P. [4] of cover.

What do you do with a tail like this?

Simple text and colorful illustrations demonstrate animal senses and defenses in a question and answer format. One track of sound disc has page-turn signals. Includes bonus tracks of animal facts.

If you were a dog

"Describes the features, life, and habits of dogs in contrast to human life"--Provided by publisher.


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