Ichikawa, Satomi

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My father's shop

Young Mustafa gets very bored in his father's shop in Morocco especially when his father tries to teach him new languages. One day he runs from the shop to the marketplace and is able to welcome tourists in their native languages. In gratitude they follow Mustafa back to his father's shop and buy new things.

Nora's roses

After watching other people pick and carry off most of her roses while she is sick in bed, Nora has a special dream involving the flowers.

Nora's stars

While visiting her grandmother, Nora joins with the animated toys from an old chest to bring the stars down from the night sky, but their loss makes the day black and sad.

Nora's surprise

Nora's outdoor tea party with her toys at the home of some friendly geese is disrupted by Benji, the greedy sheep from next door, but he eventually makes amends.


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