Pollock, Penny

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The Turkey Girl

The Turkey Girl

Water is wet

Brief text and photographs introduce the characteristics and uses of water.

Stall buddies

Scarlett, a nervous young filly from a fine family of trotters, finds a home on a run-down farm in Ohio, where she makes friends with a friendly rooster and a motherless goat and calms down enough to fulfil her promise as a harness racer.

The slug who thought he was a snail

When a snail convinces Sam Slug that he is a snail without a house, they begin a futile search for Sam's lost shell. Includes facts about slugs.

When the moon is full

Poems describe the full moon during each month of the year. American Indian names for the moon and folklore are also included.

The Turkey Girl

a Zuni Cinderella story
In this Native-American variant of a familiar story, some turkeys make a gown of feathers for the poor girl who tends them so that she can participate in a sacred dance, but they desert her when she fails to return as promised.
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