Observes a young Viking boy who lives on a farm in Denmark around 900 A.D. while his father sails on trading expeditions, until the entire family moves to a new settlement in England. Includes illustrations of tools and equipment they might have used in their daily lives.
Their work delivering newspapers for the Danish underground lands twins Peter and Elise in a Nazi prison where they experience firsthand the importance of faith.
Presents area-by-area information for travelers to Denmark, including details on its history, landscape, sites to see, lodging, and restaurants, and provides color photographs, maps, and cutaways throughout.
When a boy from Spain and his family move to Denmark, his classmates help him learn Danish by labeling objects in the classroom. The children learn about cultural differences between countries.
Presents Shakespeare's tragedy in which a Danish prince seeks vengeance for his father's murder after being visited by his ghost; and includes details on the play's production, text, and sources; a further reading list; and a list of memorable lines.