Fest, Joachim C.

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Inside Hitler's bunker

the last days of the Third Reich
Examines the final activities of Adolf Hitler and other elite members of his Nazi regime during the last few days of Adolf Hitler's life.
Cover image of Inside Hitler's bunker

The face of the Third Reich

The face of the Third Reich

The face of the Third Reich

The face of the Third Reich

Not I

memoirs of a German childhood
The historian shares the story of his childhood and youth during which he experienced World War II in a German household opposed to the Nazis and was forced to come to terms with his father's strong political convictions.


the final verdict

The face of the Third Reich

portraits of the Nazi leadership
Profiles the lives of sixteen notorious German Nazi leaders of World War Two including Hermann Goring, Joseph Goebbels, Heinrich Himmler, Martin Bormann, and Adolf Hitler and examines the social, political, and economic maxims that shaped their motives and careers.


Presents a biography of German leader Adolph Hitler, presenting him as a basically hollow individual who was elevated by the circumstances of history, and looking at how the collapse of order, anxieties of the age, and a climate of change allowed him to seize control of Germany.

Plotting Hitler's death

the story of the German resistance
Traces the history of assassination attempts against Hitler showing the existence of widespread resistance to the German leader throughout his reign.


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