
Topical Term


observations and arguments, 1966-2004
A collection of essays in which Hendrik Hertzberg explores a variety of topics related to American politics and profiles key figures.

Who we are

Discusses the people and cultures of many nations, including responsibilities and customs, and how families, neighborhoods and nations throughout the world work together. Includes activities.

Intelligence and how to get it

why schools and cultures count
Argues that intelligence is not primarily biological but is determined more by societal influences, such as the educational system and social class.

Brain and culture

neurobiology, ideology, and social change
Explores new research in neurobiology and psychology, comparing the relationship between people and their environments; and focuses on some of the problems individuals face in adulthood when their environment changes.

A First dictionary of cultural literacy

what our children need to know
Presents an outline of the knowledge that, according to the Cultural Literacy Foundation, should be acquired by the end of sixth grade, in such categories as literature, religion and philosophy, history, geography, mathematics, science, and technology.

A different mirror for young people

a history of multicultural America
Presents stories from America's multicultural past which have been historically overlooked--from the first contact of Europeans with Native Americans to contemporary stories of young Mexican students who may or may not be illegal immigrants. Argues that America has always been multicultural even though that heritage has often been kept in the dark.

The axemaker's gift

technology's capture and control of our minds and culture
Argues that the cumulative effects of technology have reshaped our world and the way we think and have resulted in our valuing innovation and analysis and ignoring older kinds of knowledge born of intuition, this ancient knowledge must be rediscovered for our survival in the future.

Culture wars

opposing viewpoints

China: a literature based multicultural unit

The unit begins with a folktale that serves as a springboard for the cross-curricular activities.

Test-prep your IQ with the essentials of cultural literacy

Combines test-taking strategies with facts and trivia to help students score higher on the cultural literacy section of standardized tests.


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