Looks at a career for those who are interested in the creative arts, includes comments from industry insiders, information about pay, job prospects, and more.
Skilled Jobs in Technology provides up-to-date research, knowledge, and advice on eight diverse, interesting careers that job seekers can obtain with a two-year associate's degree or technical certificate. What the jobs entail, what they pay, and future prospects are discussed along with insights from industry insiders.
Provides 101 sample resumes for the technology field, including information on writing a good resume, choosing the right format, assessing skills and presenting them, writing an action-oriented cover letter, and finding the right job.
Describes twenty-one careers in manufacturing, discussing the nature of the work, educational or training requirements, getting started, advancement possibilities, salary, and employment outlook, and including a list of sources of more information.
Contains descriptions of twenty technician occupations, each with information on the job duties, training and education requirements, salary ranges, advancement opportunities, and outlook; and includes suggestions for gaining experience and landing a job, as well as an overview of typical places of employment.