Colonial craftsmen

Compare Series: 

The printers

Surveys the history of printing in colonial America, describing the work of the early printers, the development of the free press, and the printer's craft and technique.

The doctors

Traces the early development of medicine in colonial America and discusses some of the methods and medications used at that time for treating illness.

The limners

America's earliest portrait painters
Discusses the motivation, materials, and techniques of the first "artists" in colonial America--the sign painters--and how their works contribute to a better understanding of early American history and society.

The blacksmiths

Introduces the history of blacksmithing and discusses the techniques, products, well-known blacksmiths, and commercial importance of this trade in colonial America.

The architects

Traces the history of architecture in the American colonies, describing the influence of existing styles and the needs of environment.

The peddlers

Describes the enterprise and commercial development that peddlers brought to the colonies before the establishment of general stores.

The shipbuilders

Traces the history of shipbuilding in the American colonies and describes each step in the building of an eighteenth-century ship.

The weavers

Presents background information on cloth making in the colonies and describes the various techniques involved.

The homemakers

Describes how four staples--candles, soap, brooms, and cider--were made in colonial times.

The shoemakers

Surveys the history and technique of shoemaking in colonial America.


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