Colby, C. B

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Historic American forts

from frontier stockade to coastal fortress
An account of the way Americans have sought to defend themselves from attack, from the early hand hewn stockade to the mighty coastal fortresses of today.

Firearms by Winchester

a part of United States history
Relates the history of the Winchester gun, from the original repeating rifle to the World War II models.

The first book of animal signs

Describes and illustrates various signs, such as tracks or homes, by which an observer can tell what animals are in an area.

Revolutionary War weapons

Photos and descriptions of the different weapons used in the Revolutionary War, such as pole arms, hand guns, shoulder arms and artillery.

Historical American landmarks

A pictorial and textual tour of 25 outstanding American landmarks, both famous and little known.

Civil War weapons

Historical American landmarks

Cliff dwellings

"Coverage is given to each of the ten national monuments contained in the "Four Corners" area of Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, and Utah, plus an eight-page section on Mesa Verde National Park.

Big game; animals of the Americas, Africa, and Asia

Brief text and photographs introduce forty-one common animals and unique animals sought by big game hunters, photographers and conservationists around the world.


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