Utter, Glenn H

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Culture wars in America

a documentary and reference guide
A discussion of the U.S. culture war over fundamental social and religious values, with articles and documents that provide examples of the phenomenon within the study of politics in the United States.

The religious right and American politics

Explores the influence of religion on legislation and society, while examining the alignment of the religious right with the political right.

The gun debate

an encyclopedia of gun rights & gun control in the United States
Contains over 300 entries, covering topics such as gun laws and legislation, mass shootings and gun incidents, and information from both groups who support gun rights and those who advocate for stricter gun control.
Cover image of The gun debate

Encyclopedia of gun control and gun rights

Presents varying views on gun rights and gun control and provides listings for various agencies, Web pages, and groups that have taken a stand on the issue.

Campaign and election reform

a reference handbook
Provides an overview of campaign and election reform and law since 2000; explores the history of the electoral system; traces the development of voting technology; compares the voting system of the United States to the systems of other democracies; and discusses other related topics.

Culture wars in America

a documentary and reference guide
A discussion of the U.S. culture war over fundamental social and religious values, with articles and documents that provide examples of the phenomenon within the study of politics in the United States.

Campaign and election reform

a reference handbook
Addresses the topic of campaign and election reform, providing an overview of the subject, and including a detailed chronology, biographical sketches, statistics and documents related to reform, a directory of relevant organizations and agencies, lists of resources, and a glossary of terms.


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