Kneece, Mark

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Rod Serling's The twilight zone

the monsters are due on Maple Street
When, after seeing a meteor fall from the sky, citizens of a small town discover that they have no power or telephone service, they begin to panic and become increasingly violent as they await the arrival of monsters from outer space.

Walking distance

When he gets a flat tire within walking distance of the hometown that he has not seen in twenty years, a man walks back into his own past.

The twilight zone

the midnight sun
New York City has become almost uninhabitable when continuous sunlight causes unbearable heat, rationing of water and electricity, and swarms of people leaving, looking for cooler weather further north.

The midnight sun

New York City has become almost uninhabitable when continuous sunlight causes unbearable heat, rationing of water and electricity, and swarms of people leaving, looking for cooler weather further north.

Rod Serling's The twilight zone

the odyssey of Flight 33
The crew of Transocean Flight 33 must find a way to return the plane, and their passengers, safely home when a nasty tailwind sends them wildly off course and slipping back in time.

The odyssey of flight 33

On a routine trip from London to New York in the 1970s, Trans-Ocean flight 33 experiences mysterious acceleration and weird atmospheric phenomena that transport the passengers and crew far beyond their destination.

Deaths-head revisited

A former Nazi concentration camp guard returns to Dachau to relive his memories of the war.

The big tall wish

A washed-up boxer who is about to lose a fight suddenly finds himself switching places with his opponent based on the wish of a young friend.

The after hours

A woman buys a gold thimble on the ninth floor of a department store, but discovers later that the store has only eight floors.

Rod Serling's The twilight zone : walking distance

walking distance
After he gets a flat tire within walking distance of what appears to be his hometown exactly as it was when he was a boy, Martin Sloane runs into his childhood self, who suffers a leg injury on a merry-go-round.


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