women artists

Topical Term
women artists

American women artists

from early Indian times to the present
On cover: . . . the lives and art of hundreds of women artists who have enriched our heritage since the beginnings of American history.

50 women artists you should know

Provides brief introductions to works from fifty female artists from the Renaissance through the twentieth century, and includes Marina Abramovi?, Cecilia Beaux, Marry Cassatt, Frida Kahlo, Georgia O'Keeffee, Cindy Sherman, and others.

Eight who made a difference

pioneer women in the arts
Profiles eight notable women in the arts, including sculptor Louise Nevelson, photojournalist Margaret Bourke-White, and painter Mary Cassatt.

At home with Beatrix Potter

the creator of Peter Rabbit
Photographs and text offer a room-by-room tour of the house of Beatrix Potter, the author who created Peter Rabbit.

The two worlds of Beatrix Potter

A brief biography of the creator of "Peter Rabbit" and many other books whose characters became world famous.

A museum of their own

National Museum of Women in the Arts
Wilhelmina Cole Hollday relates how she founded the first museum for women artists in America, documenting her experiences in finding a location, raising funds, and establishing an endowment for the museum; and contains 170 illustrations.

Lavinia Fontana

a painter and her patrons in sixteenth-century Bologna
Profiles the work of Bolognese painter Lavinia Fontana and discusses how she became the most significant and prolific woman artist of Renaissance Europe.

Judy Chicago

an American vision
Text and 275 illustrations chronicle the life and career of twentieth-century American artist Judy Chicago, providing in-depth descriptions of her major works and their development, including commentary from the artist herself.


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