30-minute Shakespeare

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The two gentlemen of Verona

the 30-minute Shakespeare
A thirty-minute abridgement of Shakespeare's "The Two Gentlemen of Verona," in which the friendship between Valentine and Proteus becomes strained when they both fall in love with the same woman. Includes stage directions and character suggestions.

The tempest

An abridged version of Shakespeare's play about the magical storm, shipwreck, and the deposed duke living in exile with his daughter, Miranda, and includes stage directions and character suggestions.

Much ado about nothing

the 30-minute Shakespeare
Presents Shakespeare's "Much Ado About Nothing" in which Claudio and Hero, awaiting their wedding, conspire to get the antagonistic Beatrice and Benedick to fall in love, unaware that they themselves are the target of a more sinister plot; abridged to be performed in thirty minutes while maintaining the original language, with stage directions and character suggestions.

A pleasant conceited comedie of Sir John Falstaff and the merry wives of Windsor

the 30-minute Shakespeare
Presents Shakespeare's comedy "Merry Wives of Windsor" in which Falstaff, hoping to recoup his fortunes, writes love letters to two well-married women, who compare notes and set out to trick their suitor; abridged to be performed in thirty minutes while maintaining the original language, with stage directions and character suggestions.

The tragedie of Julius Caesar

A thirty-minute adaptation of William Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar," telling the story of the play while keeping Shakespeare's language intact. Includes stage directions and character suggestions.

The tragicall historie of Hamlet, prince of Denmarke

Presents Shakespeare's "Hamlet" in which a Danish prince seeks vengeance for his father's murder after being visited by his ghost; abridged to be performed in thirty minutes while maintaining the original language, with stage directions and character suggestions.

The comedy of errors

Presents Shakespeare's "The Comedy of Errors" in which two sets of twins, separated at birth, eventually meet their doubles in Ephesus, creating a series of incidents, quarrels, arrests, and courtroom drama; abridged to be performed in thirty minutes while maintaining the original language, with stage directions and character suggestions.

Twelfth night, or, What you will

Provides an adaptation of William Shakespeare's "Twelfth Night, or, What You Will" which can be produced in thirty minutes; and includes stage directions, character suggestions, and a set and prop list.

The tragedie of Othello, the Moore of Venice

Presents Shakespeare's "Othello" in which Iago, jealous of Othello's successes in the army of Venice, plots against him, pretending to be his friend while planting seeds of doubt about the faithfulness of his wife, Desdemona; abridged to be performed in thirty minutes while maintaining the original language, with stage directions and character suggestions.

The taming of the shrew

An abridged version of Shakespeare's play in which two disguised, competing suitors clamour for the hand of beautiful Bianca whilst gold-digging Petruchio agrees to wed her viciously ill-tempered sister Kate, and includes stage directions and character suggestions.


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