Metaxas, Eric

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If you can keep it

the forgotten promise of American liberty
If You Can Keep It is at once a thrilling review of America's uniqueness?including our role as a "nation of nations"?and a chilling reminder that America's greatness cannot continue unless we embrace our own crucial role in living out what the founders entrusted to us. Metaxas explains that America is not a nation bounded by ethnic identity or geography, but rather by a radical and unprecedented idea, based on liberty and freedom for all. He cautions us that it's nearly past time we reconnect to that idea, or we may lose the very foundation of what made us exceptional in the first place.

Squanto and the miracle of Thanksgiving

Describes how the Massachusetts Indian Squanto was captured by the British, sold into slavery in Spain, and ultimately returned to the New World to become a guide and friend for the Pilgrims.


what they are, why they happen, and how they can change your life
A more current, anecdotal, and personal version of C.S.Lewis's 1947 book on the subject, Miracles is a challenge that miracles are not only possible but are far more widespread than most of us might ever have imagined..

No pressure, Mr. President!

the power of true belief in a time of crisis
Presents an annotated transcript of the author's speech at the sixtieth annual National Prayer Breakfast in which he rails against phony religiosity and urges readers to follow in the footsteps of those who practice a living faith in God.

Seven men

and the secret of their greatness
Provides insight into what makes a man great by examining the lives of seven historical figures.


pastor, martyr, prophet, spy : a Righteous Gentile vs. the Third Reich
"Bonhoeffer gives witness to one man's extraordinary faith and to the tortured fate of the nation he sought to deliver from the curse of Nazism. It brings the reader face to face with a man determined to do the will of God radically, courageously, and joyfully-even to the point of death." provided by publisher.

Squanto and the miracle of Thanksgiving

Describes how the Massachusetts Indian Squanto was captured by the British, sold into slavery in Spain, and ultimately returned to the New World to become a guide and friend for the Pilgrims.


Recounts some of the astounding adventures of the legendary New England sea captain who could tie an octopus in knots.

Everything you always wanted to know about God (but were afraid to ask)

Uses a question-and-answer format to explore common questions about God and his teachings.


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