
Geographic Name

Harry Potter y la piedra filosofal

Rescued from the outrageous neglect of his aunt and uncle, a young boy with a great destiny proves his worth while attending Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Lock the doors

When Tom's family moves into a new home, he finds evidence of locks on the outside of his bedroom door and a message hidden under the wallpaper. The previous owners move in across the street and Tom strikes up a friendship with their daughter, Amy, to find out what happened in the house. He slowly begins to piece together the dark secret that Amy and her family are hiding, a secret they will do anything to keep hidden.

Lock the doors

When Tom's family moves into a new home, he finds evidence of locks on the outside of his bedroom door and a message hidden under the wallpaper. The previous owners move in across the street and Tom strikes up a friendship with their daughter, Amy, to find out what happened in the house. He slowly begins to piece together the dark secret that Amy and her family are hiding, a secret they will do anything to keep hidden.

Great expectations

Presents Charles Dickens's classic in which Pip, an orphan in Victorian England, learns that a mysterious benefactor has ensured that he will be educated and raised as a gentleman.

Fever Crumb

Foundling Fever Crumb has been raised as an engineer although females in the future London, England, are not believed capable of rational thought, but at age fourteen she leaves her sheltered world and begins to learn startling truths about her past while facing danger in the present.

Ghost knight

Eleven-year-old Jon Whitcroft and new friend Ella summon the ghost of Sir William Longspee, who may be able to protect Jon from a group of ghosts that threatens him harm from the day he arrives at Salisbury Cathedral's boarding school. Includes historical notes.

The London Eye mystery

When Ted and Kat's cousin Salim disappears from the London Eye ferris wheel, the two siblings must work together--Ted with his brain that is "wired differently" and impatient Kat--to try to solve the mystery of what happened to Salim.

Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban

During his third year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Harry Potter must confront the devious and dangerous wizard responsible for his parents' deaths.

Tournament of champions

"Leo tries to lead his team to glory in some of the most exciting high-stakes soccer in the world."--back of cover.

The journey continues

The continuing story of Leo K. Doyle, now on the roster of England's Youth Premier League's U14 Lewisham Knights soccer squad and having to manage his school, sports and social life away from his Ohio home.


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