

Short stories for students

presenting analysis, context, and criticism on commonly studied short stories
Presents vital information on the most-studied short stories at the high school and early-college levels. Each entry contains author biography, plot summary, characters, themes, style, historical context, critical overview, and criticism.

Paul Bowles

a study of the short fiction
Provides an in-depth critical introduction to the short stories of Paul Bowles. Includes a detailed analyses of every significant story, biographical information, a chronology of the artist's life and works, and a representative selection of critical responses.

Paul Bowles

Provides in-depth analysis of the life, works, career, and critical importance of Paul Bowles.

Sonic wind

the story of John Paul Stapp and how a renegade doctor became the fastest man on Earth
Explores the life of John Paul Stapp, hailed by "Time" magazine as "the Fastest Man on Earth" after his 1954 experiment to test how fast a human being could go on land--turns out, over six hundred miles an hour--and also how quickly he could come to a complete stop--just over a second.

Sonic wind

the story of John Paul Stapp and how a renegade doctor became the fastest man on Earth
Explores the life of John Paul Stapp, hailed by "Time" magazine as "the Fastest Man on Earth" after his 1954 experiment to test how fast a human being could go on land--turns out, over six hundred miles an hour--and also how quickly he could come to a complete stop--just over a second.

The girl with the brown crayon

A memoir of the author's last year as a kindergarten teacher during which she, and a little girl named Reeny, became immersed in the words and pictures of author Leo Lionni.

Teaching with favorite Leo Lionni books

A guide for teachers to activities for children grades K to 2 using the books of Leo Lionni as thematic inspiration. Provides activities to follow the reading of thirteen books and includes a preliminary chapter "Teaching activities for any time.".
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