In this humorous retelling of the classic fable, the tortoise, Balderdash, describes how his race with Jiffy the Hare (who was actually pretty slow for a hare), launched his career as a comedian.
In this humorous retelling of the classic fable told by a mouse, Catnip is the bold mouse who is caught by the lion (she really should not have tried to jump over him)--but it is her timid twin sister Bitsy who finds the courage to fulfill her sister's promise, and chews through the net the lion gets caught in.
In this humorous retelling of the classic fable, Whisper the wolf explains that the shepherd boy was not lying about there being a wolf among the sheep, he just misunderstood the situation, because Whisper was just visiting the sheep who were his friends.
In this humorous retelling of the classic fable, the tortoise, Balderdash, describes how his race with Jiffy the Hare (who was actually pretty slow for a hare), launched his career as a comedian.
A guide to writing letters, looking at various letters written for friendly or business purposes, and including an analysis of different elements of the letters, with eight tools for writing letters, exercises, writing tips, and a glossary.