Presents a comprehensive study of the Mount St. Helens eruption that took place on May 18, 1980 in Washington State, and describes the events leading up to it, how the eruption affected the surrounding communities, and the serious health and environmental effects.
Amy, a sixteen-year-old girl recovering from an abusive relationship, moves to the country in Washington to live with her great-aunt, and there she discovers a mysterious clearing in the woods where she meets Henry, a boy stuck in the summer of 1944.
Cinderella thinks it would be vexylent if she did well (better than not-so-nice Rosemary) in the school spelling bee. Then she could plan a funderful class party!.
When Josh, his parents, grandfather, and eight-year-old brother move into the old Tilton House, they discover such strange things as talking rats, a dimmer switch that makes the house invisible, and a powder that makes objects grow.
Describes and presents color photos of Washington's Mount St. Helens volcano, covering its physical characteristics, and its history, including the famous eruption on May 18, 1980.