McClung, Robert M

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Lost wild worlds

the story of extinct and vanishing wildlife of the Eastern Hemisphere
A survey of the past and present wildlife of Europe, Asia, Africa, Madagascar and the Islands of the Indian Ocean, the Malay Archipelago, Australia, and New Zealand. Includes a discussion on the future of wildlife.

America's endangered birds

programs and people working to save them
Examines the plight of six endangered birds, including the bald eagle and California condor, and discusses the latest research on their reproduction.

The amazing egg

Discusses the production, fertilization, and development of the eggs of mammals, reptiles, birds, amphibians, insects, and lower forms of animals.

Sea star

Traces the life cycle of the common starfish found on the eastern coast of the United States. Also introduces other marine animals that share its habitat.

Animals that build their homes

Text and photographs discuss animals that build their own homes including beavers, crayfish, and bees.

Hugh Glass, mountain man

A fictionalized biography of the legendary hero of the Old West, who as a fur trapper in 1823, survived an attack by a grizzly bear.

Old Bet and the start of the American circus

Describes the performing career of the elephant Old Bet, whose traveling exhibition under the management of Hackaliah Bailey in the early nineteenth century gave rise to the tradition of the American circus.


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