Ames, Lee J

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Draw 50 famous cartoons

the step-by-step way to draw your favorite classic cartoon characters
Step-by-step instructions for drawing cartoon favorites from Popeye to Scooby Doo.

Draw 50 cats

the step-by-step way to draw domestic breeds, wild cats, cuddly kittens, and famous felines
Step-by-step instructions on how to draw a variety of cats, including domestic breeds, wild cats, cuddly kittens, and celebrity cats.
Cover image of Draw 50 cats

Draw the draw 50 way

how to draw cats, puppies, horses, buildings, birds, aliens, boats, trains, and everything else under the sun
Presents illustrated, step-by-step instructions for drawing cartoon-style dogs, birds, fish, cats, and other subjects.
Cover image of Draw the draw 50 way

Draw 50 animals

he step-by-step way to draw elephants, tigers, dogs, fish, birds, and many more
A step-by-step approach to drawing various animals, insects, and fish, including lions, penguins, and spiders.

The draw 50 way

how to draw cats, puppies, horses, buildings, birds, aliens, trains, and everything under the sun
Presents illustrated, step-by-step instructions for drawing cartoon-style dogs, birds, fish, cats, and other animals.
Cover image of The draw 50 way

Draw 50 people of the Bible

Provides step-by-step instructions for drawing fifty people from the Bible, including David and Goliath, Noah and his ark, and Mary and the baby Jesus.
Cover image of Draw 50 people of the Bible

Draw 50 animal 'toons

Presents step-by-step instructions for drawing fifty cartoon animals, including everything from fishes, birds, and mice to pandas, giraffes, and hippopotami.
Cover image of Draw 50 animal 'toons

Draw 50 magical creatures

the step-by-step way to draw unicorns, elves, cherubs, trolls, and many more
Step-by-step instructions for drawing fifty different magical creatures--from unicorns and fairies to dragons and trolls.
Cover image of Draw 50 magical creatures

Draw 50 athletes

Step-by-step instructions on how to draw a variety of athletes from a number of action perspectives.
Cover image of Draw 50 athletes


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