Presents basic facts about dinosaurs, followed by "The Land Time Forgot," a fiction story about two dinosaur hunters who travel back in time millions of years.
Defines extreme sports, profiles different forms of extreme sports, and includes a short story about a boy who has to climb up a cliff to avoid the ocean tide.
Presents basic facts about sharks, followed by "Swimming with Sharks," a fiction story about a boy named Danny who goes swimming with sharks on his eighteenth birthday.
Describes things that are found within the Earth, including tunnels, caves, fossils, and burial sites; and features a short story entitled "The Railroad Ghost.".
Explains how popular inventions work, shows unusual inventions from the past and future, and features a fictional story about a young man's close call while playing a virtual reality game.
Introduces children to various animals that are listed as endangered species, and discusses the causes for the threat of extinction for different species, and includes a fictional story about an orangutan named Julie.
Explains what it takes to become a pop star, describing the equipment that is needed and necessary skills, and includes a short story about a rock group trying to get their start.
Introduces twelve of Earth's most unusual places, from the Bermuda Triangle to the Tower of London and includes a fictional story about a lost tribe of very small men.