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Bookworms. What's inside?
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What's inside a firehouse?
Gordon, Sharon
An introduction to life at a fire department, including descriptions of the equipment, the staff, and what happens when a fire alarm goes off.
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about What's inside a firehouse?
What's inside an ambulance?
Gordon, Sharon
Describes how the equipment on an ambulance is used on the way to the hospital to help someone who is sick or hurt.
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about What's inside an ambulance?
What's inside a police station?
Gordon, Sharon
An introduction to life at a police department, including descriptions of the equipment, the staff, and what happens on a typical day.
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about What's inside a police station?
What's inside a police car?
Gordon, Sharon
Describes how the equipment in a police car is used to help people who are hurt, to keep traffic moving safely, and to fight crime.
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about What's inside a police car?
What's inside a hospital?
Gordon, Sharon
An introduction to a busy hospital, including descriptions of the equipment, the staff, and what happens on a typical day.
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about What's inside a hospital?
What's inside a police car?
Gordon, Sharon
Describes how the equipment in a police car is used to help people who are hurt, to keep traffic moving safely, and to fight crime.
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about What's inside a police car?
What's inside a hospital?
Gordon, Sharon
An introduction to a busy hospital, including descriptions of the equipment, the staff, and what happens on a typical day.
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about What's inside a hospital?
What's inside a firehouse?
Gordon, Sharon
An introduction to life at a fire department, including descriptions of the equipment, the staff, and what happens when a fire alarm goes off.
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about What's inside a firehouse?
What's inside a fire truck?
Gordon, Sharon
Describes how the equipment on two types of fire trucks--the ladder truck and the pumper truck--is used to help rescue people and extinguish fires.
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about What's inside a fire truck?