Salem softbacks

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Cinema--the novel into film

Surveys 65 novels that have been the basis of English-language motion pictures and offers an essay-review on each of these films.

American literature, colonial age to 1890

Contains author biographies, critical analyses, plot summaries, and bibliographies for American literature from the 1700s through 1890.

American novel, Crane to Faulkner

derived from library editions
Contains author biographies, critical analyses, plot summaries, and bibliographies for American novels from the late 1800s to the mid 1900s.

English literature--romanticism to 1945

Contains author biographies, critical analyses, plot summaries, and bibliographies for English literature from the 1700s through 1945.

American novel, Brown to James

Contains author biographies, critical analyses, plot summaries, and bibliographies for American novels from the 1700s through the early 1900s.

English literature, Shakespeare

Contains biographical information on Shakespeare, sonnets, critical analysis and summaries of his 37 plays, and quotations from his works.
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